Gathering in God’s Presence


The Bible is full of greetings, and our worship leader greets us in God’s name.

Revelation 1:4-5

The Lord is risen!
He is risen indeed!
Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne, and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth.
And peace to you from our risen Savior!


Resurrection Medley | Gordon Schultz

*Call to Worship

Our Call to Worship draws us into conversation with our God, and is usually taken from our Psalm of the Day. We address one another and enter God’s presence together.

From Psalm 16

Come! Say to the LORD, “You are my Lord! Apart from you I have no good thing!”
We have come to take refuge in our God, in whom we find safety!
Come! Greet one another—for we are set apart for his purposes!
We have come to delight in our Lord, and also in one another!
Come! With your eyes always on the LORD, praise the God who is always present to give us counsel!
Our hearts are glad! Our tongues rejoice! Our bodies rest secure!
Come! For our Lord is full of life, and will not abandon us to death!
We are here to walk the path of life! We’ve come to be filled with joy in his presence! We await eternal pleasures at his right hand!
Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!
Let us worship God!

*Prayer of Invocation

Having called one another to God’s praise, we turn to God and ask for his presence and power.

From Psalm 16

Gracious and mighty God, we have gathered with glad hearts! Make our hearts even more glad as the good tidings of Christ’s resurrection wash over us! Lord Jesus Christ, we have gathered with songs on our lips. Be pleased to be enthroned on our praises, even though they are insufficient when compared to your resurrection glory! Sevenfold Spirit of God: your presence in us and among us unites our very bodies not only with the suffering body of Christ Jesus, but also with his resurrected and glorified body, which sits now on the throne of glory! Father, Son, and Spirit, preach the good news of your victory over sin, death, and hell to us, your church, this Easter Sunday. As we lift our hearts up to heaven, join our praises with all the glorified spirits who worship before your throne, and with all the angels of heaven—indeed, with all of creation, as we worship you: our Creator, our Redeemer, our Friend. We pray through the Resurrected One, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!

*Song of Praise

With our Song of Praise, we begin our worship by exalting God for who he is and what he has done.

Christ the Lord is Risen Today

(Musical Notation [PDF])