Going with God’s Commission and Blessing

Welcome of Guests and Announcements

Sending Song

We’ve Come to Thank You, God

(Musical Notation here [PDF])

Commissioning and Benediction

Dear friends in Christ, it may be hard to believe that you and I are as treasured as the Savior has said we are. It may be difficult to believe that someone like you, or like me, is trustworthy enough to be given the most crucial commission ever given to anyone: the task of representing King Jesus in deeds and words, among the nations. However, Jesus has set himself apart to save and sanctify you. Now, you must set yourself apart for your Savior and Sanctifier, who will never fail you. Ever.

As you enter into the service of King Jesus this Holy Week, go with his blessing upon you:

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. And may the blessing of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit rest upon you and abide with you, both now and forever. Amen!


Don’t forget that your pastors are available to speak with you. See Andy or Sam’s calendars to make an appointment.

Don’t forget to join us for our Maundy Thursday communion service, and our Good Friday tenebrae service this week. See the website worship section for more.