Forward to “Gathering in God’s Presence”

Notes on Today’s Worship Service

Welcome to worship this fifth Sunday in Lent. We’re glad you’ve gathered virtually with the International Protestant Church of Zurich to seek God’s face.

If you’re participating in a live service, here are some things to help enrich your experience. If you’re worshiping on your own, most of this can be ignored.

We will celebrate The Lord’s Supper in our virtual services. Hopefully, if you desire to commune, you have bread and wine or juice, and can participate with us.

Screen Splitting. If you’re participating in the virtual service, it will be helpful to split your screen, with Zoom on one side, and this Order of Worship on the other. (Learn to do this on Windows and Mac.) Or, you can use one device for Zoom and another for the Order of Worship.

Muting. Awkward as it is, please keep yourself muted during the service unless you are leading a certain part of the service. Otherwise it gets very noisy. During responsive parts of the service, keep yourself muted but please do participate!

Video Syncing. Please be ready to play embedded videos at the same time as the rest of the congregation. This will help us move to the next part of the service at the same time.

Stay afterward for Virtual Coffee Hour! Pour a cup of coffee and enjoy fellowship for 20 minutes after the service concludes.

Sermon Discussion. Andy will lead an informal discussion and Q&A time after coffee hour for any who want to stick around and talk through the Bible teaching.

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